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PA Pioneer and Rebel

PA Pioneer and Rebel


When I decided to go back to school to earn a physician assistant (PA) clinical doctorate, the initial response from my friends, family, and colleagues was “Why?”

I had been a practicing PA since 1997 and a lead PA for the past 10 years. I held an array of clinical and administrative responsibilities. I had the opportunity to publish and mentor students. Despite all of that, I felt like I had become comfortable and complacent. I felt that I had more to offer my profession but I lacked the skills to achieve my full professional potential.

After much research and deliberation, I enrolled in the inaugural Doctor of Medical Science (DMSc) cohort at the University of Lynchburg. In 2018, I graduated with a doctorate degree. But my new credentials were met with mixed reviews and even outright disdain at times. I’ve been called a pioneer by some and a rebel by others.

No doubt, the physician assistant doctorate has triggered considerable controversy and debate among PAs and non-PAs.