Recently Dr. Sandy Groger, a Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions (RMUoHP) Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD) alumna, participated in a video-case simulation pilot study with Simucase. Simucase offers a learning library of various clinical simulation-based learning modules to enhance student learning for speech pathology, physical therapy, and occupational therapy students. As a result of Dr. Groger’s involvement, all OTD students and faculty at RMUoHP will have access to the entire Simucase database for a whole year!
Dr. Groger elaborated on her participation, “The process has been interesting and enjoyable, one which I believe will result in effective integration of clinical reasoning in the academic setting. A study measuring the clinical reasoning skills of entry-level occupational therapy students compared a group that used text-based case studies (N = 31) to a group that used video-based case studies (N = 30). Both groups engaged in classroom discussion of the cases. Study results reveal that both groups improved in clinical reasoning skills as measured on the Health Science Reasoning Test, but only the group using video case studies showed statistically significant improvements (Murphy & Stav, 2018). Occupational therapy (N = 76) and speech pathology (N = 70) students completing a questionnaire reported that simulated case studies provided a positive learning experience (Lewis, Rudd & Mills, 2017).”
In addition to her involvement in the pilot study, she has also served as a Clinical Reviewer for Simucase and has completed case studies currently featured within the Simucase Library.
Congratulations, Dr. Groger! RMUoHP is proud of Dr. Groger’s work post-graduation and how her efforts advance the knowledge of other healthcare providers!
Lewis, A., Rudd, C. J., & Mills, B. (2017). Working with children with autism: An interprofessional simulation-based tutorial for speech pathology and occupational therapy students. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 32 (2) 242-244. doi: 10.1080/13561820.2017.1388221
Murphy, L. F., & Stav, W. B. (2018). The impact of online video cases on clinical reasoning in occupational therapy education: A quantitative analysis. The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, 6 (3). doi:10.15453/2168-6408.1494