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Learning Resource Center and Writing Center Monthly Updates

This month the Learning Resource Center (LRC) and the Writing Center at Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions have a few exciting updates including new books, capstones, resumes, book recommendations, and more!

“By medicine, life may be prolonged, yet death will seize the doctor too.”
– William Shakespeare

New Books in the LRC!
This month in the LRC there are a few new books: Bate’s Guide to Physical Examination a and History Talking, 12th Ed., by Lynn Bickly; Clinical Voice Pathology: Theory and Management, 5th Ed., by Joseph Stemple; Ages & Stages Questionnaires, 3rd Ed., CDs, by Jane Squires; Normal and Defective Colour Vision by J D Mollon; Field Theory in Social Sciences: Selected Theoretical Papers by Kurt Lewin; and Movement: Functional Screening Assessment, Corrective Strategies by Gray Cook.

Capstones/Dissertations/Scholarly Research Projects
If you are a student with a manuscript deadline coming up, do you need help with the literature review? The Writing Center can help you with the various stages of writing capstones, dissertations, and scholarly research projects!

Resumes/Curriculum Vitae
Did you know that the Writing Center loves to review resumes, curricula vitae, and job applications? They are more than willing to help you think through what you want to say and how to best to demonstrate your skills.

Writing Styles and Citations
Do you need to write in AMA, APA, or in any other special style or format? The Writing Center can help you figure out citations and formatting. And reference lists are no problem with the LRC’s online and onsite resources!

Reach Out to Us!
The Writing Center can help with any piece of writing: an important email to a potential employer or anything in writing that you want reviewed.

If you are on campus, Dr. Alan Gravano, Writing Center Director, encourages you to come by his office (233). Or submit a ticket on the Writing Center homepage:

For questions related to the Learning Resource Center and its resources, contact Karen Newmeyer,, or Ashley Bassett,