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RMUoHP MS Med SLP program to hold public meeting for accreditation on Monday, October 18, 2021, at 5PM

The Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions Master of Science in Medical Speech-Language Pathology (MS Med SLP) program invites you to a public meeting with the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CAA) of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). The CAA invites public input about the accreditation process and about our graduate program in speech-language pathology.  You may submit written comments prior to the accreditation site visit or by providing oral and/or written comments at the public meeting listed below.

Public Meeting

Date: Monday, October 18, 2021

Time: 5:00 pm (MST)

Location: Online via Zoom video conferencing

Register: To attend, please RSVP by calling Sausha Herget at 801-734-6821. Your RSVP must include your full name, email address, cell phone number, and Zoom name (if different from full name). Once you RSVP, we will send you the Zoom link information.

If you are unable to attend, you are invited to submit written comments prior to the site visit. Please see below for the Policy on Written Comments. A copy of the Standards for Accreditation and the CAA’s Policy on Public Comment [PDF] may be obtained online at, or by contacting the Accreditation Office at ASHA, 2200 Research Boulevard, #310, Rockville, Maryland 20850; or by calling ASHA’s Action Center at 800-498-2071.

Policy on Written Comments

In addition to providing written and/or oral comments at the public meeting, the community is also able to submit written comments no later than 15 days before the first day of the scheduled two-day site visit (October 18, 19, 2021) thus, submit comments by October 3, 2021. Please note that all comments provided must relate to a program’s compliance with the published Standards for Accreditation of Graduate Education Programs in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (Standards) in effect at the time comments are submitted, and must identify the specific program seeking candidacy, initial accreditation, or reaccreditation with the CAA. Comments not meeting these requirements will not be considered, and the individual or group who submitted the comments will be notified by the CAA.

Individuals must send the comment to the Accreditation Office no later than fifteen (15) days before the first day of the scheduled site visit (due by October3, 2021). Comments received after this time will not be forwarded to the site visit team for consideration during the accreditation review. All written testimony must include the commenter’s name, address, telephone contact information, and the commenter’s relationship to the program in order for the Accreditation Office staff to verify the source of the testimony, including comments submitted via fax or as an email attachment. All comments must be signed. Comments should be submitted to: Accreditation Public Comment, Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CAA), American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2200 Research Boulevard, #310, Rockville, Maryland 20850;

For questions:

Please contact Linda J. Spencer, Associate Professor, Program Director and Chair, at  or 801-734.6787