Operate at the height of your profession with this terminal PhD. Become a leader with the vision to shape the future of healthcare and forge the career that you envision for yourself. Our curriculum, manageably paced over the course of a 3 year program, lays the foundation for a truly exceptional healthcare career. Here are just a few of the traits that distinguish our program:
- Dissertation Topic Choice and Flexibility
- Limited-Residency Education Model
- Choose a flexible course elective or one of three specialty options to match your goals
Check out the tabs below for a full curriculum breakdown.
Core Courses
Health Science Core Courses
HS 712Research Methods3
HS 718Scholarly Writing in Health Sciences3
HS 720Qualitative Research3
This course introduces the student to qualitative research methods and their applications to problems and phenomena in healthcare. Emphasis is placed on the appropriate use and differences of qualitative methods, their philosophical underpinnings, and application to clinical issues.
HS 722Biostatistics I3
HS 740Teaching & Learning Theory3
This course incorporates a learner centered approach to course development and instructional delivery based on the best evidence of how people learn. Students will demonstrate both traditional and innovative instructional techniques and strategies for teaching in didactic and clinical settings based upon the evidence-base of best teaching practices.
HS 746Leadership in Health Sciences 3
HS 762Literature Review, Analysis, and Synthesis3
This course provides the student with skill sets to conduct a literature search, analysis and synthesis on a selected research topic complimentary of their dissertation. Research will be systematically selected based upon quality of design/methods, relevance to proposed dissertation/study instruments and linkage to research hypothesis/questions. Submission of a synthesis paper with literature summary table will be included.
HS 765Manuscript & Grant Writing3
This course will provide students with opportunities to explore a variety of professional and scientific writing techniques for publication. Students will learn the best practices in the formatting, submission, and dissemination of research findings, culminating in the ability to develop and submit competitive manuscripts to peer-reviewed journals. Students will prepare an outline of a manuscript related to their dissertation based upon a chosen journal’s guidelines. Additionally, an overview of the grant writing process will be presented. Variations of funding organizations, types of grant proposals, and grant writing best practices will be covered. Opportunities for grant funding for health science research, including searching for grant opportunities and developing a grant proposal, will be emphasized.
Prerequisite: HS 712
HS 820Prospectus Development 3
This course provides students with essential skills to develop and present a research
prospectus for their dissertation study. Emphasizing careful planning, students will
formulate a clear prospectus that includes background, scientific rationale, research questions, and initial methodology. They will gain practical knowledge on the responsible conduct of research, the informed consent process, and Institutional Review Board requirements. Students will finalize their written prospectus, secure dissertation committee commitments, and prepare for an oral presentation, gaining confidence in presenting their research to faculty and peers.
Prerequisite: HS 765
Dissertation Courses
HS 870ADissertation Seminar I3
This course is designed for students to begin their dissertation project by recruiting dissertation committee members; developing a dissertation prospectus followed by the dissertation proposal (3-chapter format that includes: Introduction, Literature Review, Methods). Ideally this course concludes with the oral defense of the written dissertation proposal. Throughout this course, instructors will help students to overcome challenges and obstacles and provide strategies for accountability, time management, and dealing with project-related, personal or work-related factors that might influence dissertation progress.
Prerequisite: HS 810
HS 870BDissertation Seminar II3
This course is designed for students to develop and ideally gain approval of their dissertation IRB application and to begin collecting data as the IRB is approved. Students will discuss challenges with implementation of the research project and work with instructors and peers in mitigating challenges. Regardless of where the student is in the dissertation process, throughout this course, instructors will help students to overcome challenges and obstacles and provide strategies for accountability, time management, and dealing with project-related, personal, or work-related factors that might influence dissertation progress.
Prerequisite: HS 810
HS 870CDissertation Seminar III3
This course is designed for students to complete data collection and analysis, and to complete the dissertation manuscript. Students will discuss challenges with finalizing the research project and work with instructors and peers in mitigating challenges in manuscript writing. Regardless of where the student is in the dissertation process, throughout this course, instructors will help students to overcome challenges and obstacles and provide strategies for accountability, time management, and dealing with project-related, personal, or work-related factors that might influence dissertation progress.
Prerequisite: HS 810
Healthcare Professions Education
HPE 760Instructional Strategies for Healthcare Educators3
HPE 752Curriculum Design for Healthcare Professions3
HPE 754Evidence-Based Assessment in Healthcare Professions Education3
HPE 768Leadership in Higher Education3
Health Promotion & Wellness
WE 630Nutrition & Exercise for Health & Wellness3
This course includes an overview of chronic diseases and associated risk factors. The effects of behaviors in the etiology and treatment of chronic diseases are examined. Emphasis is placed on the effects of modifying behaviors such as nutrition, physical activity, sleep, smoking, and alcohol use, as well as stress reduction. The role of exercise and diet in integrative lifestyle medicine is explored. Basic skills in exercise prescription and nutritional intervention strategies within the scope of practice are developed.
WE 700Theories of Behavior Change3
WE 623Programming Planning for Populations, Communities, & Individuals3
WE 717Innovations in Integrative Health3
Human & Sport Performance
HP 620Research Applications in Strength & Conditioning 3
HP 640Advanced Sport Performance Technology3
HP 714Recovery Strategies in Exercise & Sport 3
HP 740Tactical Fitness & Performance3
This course will have students reviewing various methods and strategies for improving training methods, and field experience to help tactical professionals improve their performance, readiness, and longevity. Topics such as injury prevention and tactical job preparation will be examined and debated. Tactical fitness research and literature will serve as the content for developing professionals capable of supporting the tactical field.
Elective Courses
Students must take 9 credits of elective courses.
Research Electives
HS 715Concepts of Measurement 2
HS 727Survey Research3
This course will familiarize students with the theory, development, and application of survey research design and methods. Students will learn the principles and practices of conducting survey research, including developing psychometrically sound accounting for and reducing sources of error, designing appropriate sampling strategies, assessing the reliability and validity of self-constructed questionnaires, administering surveys through various means, and analyzing and reporting survey research results. How to integrate qualitative inquiry with survey research to develop and conduct a mixed-method study, including writing results, will be emphasized.
Prerequisite: HS 722
HS 730Epidemiology3
This course will introduce the student to important epidemiological methodology/
concepts commonly used in evidence-based practice/medicine. The course will focus on the common observational designs, and common measures of disease frequency, risk association, and validity of diagnostic tests. The use and construction of receiver operating curves will be discussed. The course will also include an introduction into logistic regression and survival analysis methods in how they apply to disease outcomes/disorders. Students will conduct and apply basic epidemiological concepts using statistical software and learn how to design and develop. The student will be provided with information to aid in data collection and management.
Prerequisite: HS 722
HS 732Biostatistics II3
The purpose of this course is to build upon the topics introduced in Biostatistics 1. This course will cover such topics as factorial ANOVA, ANCOVA, MANOVA, multiple linear regression and non-parametric group comparisons.
Prerequisite: HS 722
HS 734Qualitative Research II3
This course is the second in a two-course sequence on qualitative research methods that extends and elaborates on the topics covered in HS 720. Major approaches used in conducting qualitative research and the application of these methods to problems and phenomena in healthcare will be examined. The emphasis of the course is on the collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of qualitative data. Exploration and application of topics such as sampling, interviewing and observation techniques, data analysis methods, and reporting of qualitative research will be addressed. Evaluation and critique of research studies utilizing qualitative methods will also be examined.
Prerequisite: HS 720
HS 736Mixed Methods Integration1
This course offers an in-depth exploration of techniques and strategies for integrating quantitative and qualitative data in research, with a focus on mixed methods study design. Students will learn how to effectively combine these data types to provide a comprehensive analysis and robust interpretation of research findings. The course emphasizes practical applications, including data triangulation, merging datasets, and ensuring consistency between qualitative and quantitative results.
Prerequisite: HS 720
HS 770 Research Practicum1-3
Faculty-directed clinical, basic, or applied research practicum, which may include but not limited to review of literature preparation, human subjects committee proposal development, data collection, and presentation/manuscript preparation. Graded Pass/Fail.
AG 716Neurodegenerative Disease: Addressing Participation in Occupation3
This course will require students to examine current and emerging best practices for addressing participation in occupation for an older adult experiencing a neurodegenerative disease process. This course requires students to explore the role of occupational therapy on promoting participation in occupation for the aging population. Neurological diseases covered within this course include Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and polyneuropathies. Students will engage in critical reasoning within forum discussions, analyzing intervention strategies, and development of a client- based case study.
AG 726Productive Aging3
This course examines evidence associated with the cognitive-behavioral aspects of aging and daily activity performance and participation needs of older adults. The course emphasizes designing and executing therapeutic and health-promoting plans by applying the best available evidence for productive aging, aging-in-place, and the prevention of injury and illness.
AG 738Application of Evidence for the Provision of Care for Persons with Dementia3
This interdisciplinary course provides opportunity to examine issues and evidence related to dementia care and family caregiving, including non-pharmacologic intervention approaches, theoretical frameworks, environmental modification, caregiver education, and their application in clinical settings. Students will explore the complexities of addressing the need to promote participation and optimize quality of life for those in this growing population.
ATH 610Advanced Emergency Applications & Care3
This course is designed to provide an intensive study of emergency care skills in ambulatory medicine with exposure to triaging and managing urgent and emergent medical procedures in catastrophic settings. Proper techniques for complex fractures and joint dislocations, application of specialty casting and splinting techniques, and interventions used during immobilization to address movement dysfunctions are addressed. The focus is on planning for, examining, and managing immediate, emergent, and acute situations, particularly for physically active individuals.
ATH 620Advanced Primary Care & Prevention3
This is an advanced course for students to take a deeper dive into common and uncommon diseases, disorders, illnesses, and other general medical conditions affecting the health of physically active individuals across the lifespan. Students will learn to recognize signs, symptoms, and predisposing factors of pathology along with appropriate interventions and establishing referral criteria. The focus is on appraising evidence on patient care, refining primary care clinical examination techniques, establishing evidence-based preventative measures, and optimizing appropriate referral decision-making.
FN 630Functional Nutrition3
Functional medicine is an approach to treating health conditions and preventing disease through the identification and treatment of root causes for health conditions. It is founded upon the perspective that nutrition therapy considers the individual-specific information founded upon the nutrition assessment model assessing mind, body, spirit, environment, and community to promote lifestyle behavior change that will result in measurable health and wellness benefits.
HLA 620Healthcare Leadership3
Concepts of leadership related to current healthcare organizations are examined. Specific concepts including communications, public relations, team building, negotiation, and conflict resolution are explored. Strategic aspects such as vision, viewpoint and admission included. Managing uncertainty is discussed in relation to healthcare organizations. Contemporary leadership challenges, communication strategies and crisis communication are explored. Leadership functions and decision-making are analyzed.
HLA 670Organizational Behavior & Management in Healthcare3
This course supports knowledge of the theories of organizations, the use of leadership, management processes, and organizational structures and outcomes. Specific topics include governance, strategic management and marketing, human resources management, recruiting, training, process improvement, management theory, and employee wellbeing. This course is designed for future managers and leaders of healthcare organizations and those who expects to have extensive involvement with each from the perspective buyers, insurers, or policymakers. The course provides students with knowledge about how the best healthcare provider organizations deliver high quality, cost-effective healthcare, how the response to their environment, and how they reach and implement decisions about future activities.
HLA 700Healthcare Legal & Ethical Issues3
This course explores the legal and ethical issues and dilemmas in the delivery of healthcare. The principles and practical application of laws and regulations affecting operational decisions of healthcare providers, health plans, and third-party payers are discussed. Also addressed are social, moral, and ethical issues encountered in the balance of patient interests, needs and rights.
HLA 710Management & Entrepreneurship in Healthcare3
Introduces current and aspiring healthcare leaders to key dimensions of effective management and entrepreneurship. Explores professional, legal, and ethical aspects of development as healthcare professionals seeking to develop management and entrepreneurship opportunities. Synthesize of entrepreneurial and management competencies to plan and implement a simulated interdisciplinary business venture are explored.
HLA 740Healthcare Delivery3
This course will train healthcare leaders to implement or teach principles of delivering better healthcare at lower costs through improving clinical and non-clinical processes. This course will introduce methods and tools for conducting quality improvement projects. Also discussed will be methods of health services research, teams and teamwork, outcome measurement, and medical informatics. A key learning experience of this course will be developing and implementing a quality improvement project.
HP 600Applications of Strength & Conditioning in Sport Performance3
This course will focus on the foundational applications of strength and conditioning including key theories, concepts, and scientific principles. Topics will include review of the structure and function of body systems, exercise physiology, biochemistry, anatomy, and biomechanics. Special consideration will be placed on how principles of strength and conditioning relate to various systems and client populations.
HP 610Advanced Sport Performance Technology3
This course will focus on technologies that have been developed to reach human interests or goals related to a particular sport. It will focus on the types, and appropriate selection and use of technology by which sport performance coaches attempt to improve training and competitive surroundings and enhance overall athletic performance. The course will provide knowledge and application of using specialized equipment and the latest modern technologies to perform tasks more efficiently, such as equipment, athletic sports gear (clothing and footwear), advanced computer stimulations and motion capture.
HP 620Methods & Programming in Strength & Conditioning3
This course will expose students to advanced methods in various venues of strength and conditioning. Current research and practice are examined for advanced training strategies in use at different levels of competition. Students will examine different methods currently in use in the field and discussed in the literature on selected topics and demonstrate appropriate implementation of advanced training methods. Additionally, this course will refine the students’ ability to construct an advanced training program designed to enhance performance in specific ways. The student will demonstrate the ability to critically analyze and alter a training program.
HP 706Sports Nutrition for Human Performance3
This course will discuss, in detail, scientific and practical applications of nutrition for sports. Integrated discussions spanning exercise physiology and nutrition on topics that relate to aerobic and anaerobic performance, health, weight gain, weight loss and recovery will be covered. Class assignments will broaden the student’s knowledge, writing ability and competence at both retrieving and summarizing scientifically-based information.
HP 710Applications of Exercise Science in Tactical Fitness & Performance3
This course will introduce students to the various methods and strategies for improving performance in military, law enforcement, and fire department venues. Topics such as injury prevention and tactical job preparation will be discussed with students completing applied projects in selected tactical operations. Tactical fitness research and literature will serve as the content for developing professionals capable of supporting the tactical field with evidence-based practice.
HP 714Recovery & Regeneration3
This course will examine the science and history behind various advanced methods of recovery and regeneration techniques for the human body. The evidence will be reviewed in numerous topics including nutritional strategies, sleep habits, hydrotherapies, cryotherapy, sports supplementation, nutrient timing, and massage therapy. Through an evidence led approach, students will demonstrate the ability to evaluate and identify various types of fatigue, prescribe the appropriate regeneration modality, and periodize a recovery program based upon the principles learned in previous coursework.
HPE 620Clinical Education Experiential Design & Application for Healthcare Professions3
This course addresses the many issues germane to experiential or clinical education in the healthcare professions by reviewing the design, implementation and assessment of clinical experience in the healthcare fields. Among the topics to be covered include supervisory policies and practices, communication, feedback, developing clinical expertise and reasoning skills, professionalism, student learning documentation and mapping, preceptor/supervisor training and development, and the role of entrust able professional activities, competencies and milestones in student clinician development.
HPE 670Learning Assessment & Evaluation3
This course examines a variety of assessment models and techniques used to evaluate student classroom performance, student clinical performance, instructor performance and educational programs. Students will design and execute assessment plans, interpret assessment data and develop continuous improvement plans.
HPE 700Design & Implementation of Inter-Professional Education3
Students will acquire the best evidence available and comprehensive appreciation for the many challenges, limitations, and opportunities in designing and implementing interprofessional education. This class will investigate the available literatures on IPE from around the world and across healthcare professions: what works, what doesn’t, what to expect, how to go about tackling the IPE challenge, and what to expect in the way of challenges.
HPE 718Climate of Higher Education3
This course will focus on presenting and analyzing contemporary social, political and economic issues surrounding higher education and the effects these issues have on healthcare education programs. Current challenges in healthcare education programs will also be explored. Students will learn how to successfully navigate the role of a faculty member in the higher education environment. A brief history of higher education will be included.
HPE 740Learning Theory & Design3
This course incorporates a learner centered approach to course development and instructional delivery based on the best evidence of how people learn. Students will demonstrate both traditional and innovative instructional techniques and strategies for teaching in didactic settings based upon the evidence-base of best teaching practices.
HPE 752Curriculum Design for Healthcare Professions3
Students will learn how effective health professions curricula must integrate the basic and clinical sciences, connect didactic to experiential learning, be competency-based and time-variable, include andragogic underpinnings and approaches of delivery, and create meaningful program outcomes and assessment opportunities that verify quality and excellence. In addition timely issues such as the curricular incorporation of clinical experiences/education, the sociocultural aspects of healthcare, and pertinent accreditation issues and constraints for healthcare professions will be addressed.
HPE 760Instructional Technology: Design, Theory, & Application3
This course explores the history and theory of instructional technology used in educational settings. Focus is on identifying, discussing and comparing various instructional technology utilized in the design and delivery of online, blended, and traditional classroom learning environments. Best practices of current instructional technologies applied in higher education classrooms are systematically designed, created, shared, and reviewed.
HS 606Cancer Exercise Specialist3
This course is designed for health and fitness professionals seeking to attain a higher level of mastery and work with cancer patients during and after cancer surgery and treatment and into survivorship. Participants will gain a complete understanding of the entire cancer process from diagnosis and treatment to reconstruction and survivorship. A unique and individualized programming to improve the patient’s ability to cope with the mental and physical stress following cancer diagnosis and treatment is emphasized. Completion of this course will lead to the Cancer Exercise Specialist® Advanced Qualification offered by Cancer Exercise Training Institute (CETI).
HS 611Functional Assessment of Movement3
The purpose of this course is to examine evidence-based, objective measures of movement patterns, proprioception, flexibility, and strength required of individuals engaged in physical activity. Students will be exposed to injury prediction/prevention research and gain clinical skills in performing a comprehensive movement assessment. Factors contributing to movement dysfunction will be identified, and techniques for movement assessment will be outlined and discussed. Through a case-based format, students will formulate and present an intervention plan to address movement dysfunctions found during functional assessments that build on the basics and focus on movement constructs that will minimize future injury risk.
HS 640Healthcare Leadership & Ethics3
Leadership concepts related to current healthcare organizations are examined. Specific concepts, including communications, public relations, team building, negotiation, and conflict resolution are explored. Strategic aspects such as vision, viewpoint, and admission are included. Managing uncertainty is discussed in relation to healthcare organizations. Contemporary leadership challenges, communication strategies, ethics, and crisis communication are explored. Leadership functions and decision-making are analyzed.
HS 650Social Determinants of Health3
This course is designed to help the learner gain an in-depth understanding of social determinants that influence health and well-being that include education, economic stability, health policies, access to healthcare, neighborhood environments, and social/community factors that impact health. Discussion of inequalities and health disparities will be considered along with evidence-based approaches toward mitigating health disparities.
HS 660Global Health Perspectives3
This course focuses on international perspectives on health regarding healthcare, health practices, and systems issues affecting health in rural, urban, and suburban communities outside the US. The course is designed in a seminar/ field experience format where students participate in synchronous and experiential activities within the US and international communities. Students will complete needs assessments, applied health-related research, and interventions for communities in international venues. Strong emphasis on understanding health issues related to specific international communities and on establishing partnerships for studying international health.
HS 715Concepts of Measurement3
In this course, students will explore concepts related to the development and use of standardized measurement tools. Important concepts for exploration include validity, reliability, responsiveness of the tool, confidence intervals, as well as likelihood ratios. Content and dates are subject to change. Last updated: December 13, 2023 9 Various forms of assessments, including patient reported outcomes and performancebased measures, will be explored along with their respective measurement concepts. Learners will critique measurement tools in their discipline and will explore the overall process for validating a measure. Further, learners will explore the potential reach of tools to populations or groups not tested.
Prerequisite: HS 710
HS 716Evidence-Based Clinical Reasoning & Decision-Making3
This course provides an in-depth analysis of critical thinking, clinical and professional reasoning and decision-making as described in theory and experienced by practitioners. Students will engage in various independent and collaborative learning activities to critically appraise the evidence of different decision-making strategies, culminating in developing their own clinical reasoning practice statement. Students will explore their own reasoning, focused self-reflection, emotional intelligence, and personal/professional development and apply these analyses to current theories of clinical and professional reasoning. Developing a greater sense of professional self and systematic clinical reasoning and decision-making approach will facilitate students’ rational, accurate, and consistent care and management of patients and clients.
HS 727Survey Research3
This course will familiarize students with the theory, development, and application of survey research design and methods. Students will learn the principles and practices of conducting survey research, including developing psychometrically sound accounting for and reducing sources of error, designing appropriate sampling strategies, assessing the reliability and validity of self-constructed questionnaires, administering surveys through various means, and analyzing and reporting survey research results. How to integrate qualitative inquiry with survey research to develop and conduct a mixed-method study, including writing results, will be emphasized.
Prerequisite: HS 722
HS 730Epidemiologic Methods3
This course will introduce the student to important epidemiological methodology/ concepts commonly used in evidence-based practice/medicine. The course will focus on the common observational designs, and common measures of disease frequency, risk association, and validity of diagnostic tests. The use and construction of receiver operating curves will be discussed. The course will also include an introduction into logistic regression and survival analysis methods in how they apply to disease outcomes/disorders. Students will conduct and apply basic epidemiological concepts using statistical software and learn how to design and develop. The student will be provided with information to aid in data collection and management.
Prerequisite: HS 710
HS 732Biostatistics II3
The purpose of this course is to build upon the topics introduced in Biostatistics 1. This course will cover such topics as factorial ANOVA, ANCOVA, MANOVA, multiple linear regression and non-parametric group comparisons.
Prerequisite: HS 722
HS 734Qualitative Research II3
This course is the second in a two-course sequence on qualitative research methods that extends and elaborates on the topics covered in HS 720. Major approaches used in conducting qualitative research and the application of these methods to problems and phenomena in healthcare will be examined. The emphasis of the course is on the collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of qualitative data. Exploration and application of topics such as sampling, interviewing and observation techniques, data analysis methods, and reporting of qualitative research will be addressed. Evaluation and critique of research studies utilizing qualitative methods will also be examined.
Prerequisite: HS 720
HS 735Qualitative Interviewing Techniques2
This course provides a theoretical framework for interviewing approaches for various situations, types of interviewing formats (e.g. focus group, evaluation interview, cultural interview) and development of interview formats. Recording, analyzing, and reporting interview data, ethical and relationship issues, and research on interviewing methods.
Prerequisite: HS 720
HS 736Mixed Methods Integration1
This course provides students with techniques used to integrate quantitative and qualitative data, analysis and results based upon a mixed methods study design. Writing tips of a mixed methods publication is also included.
Prerequisite: HS 720
HS 742Biostatistics III3
The purpose of this course is to build upon the topics introduced in Biostatistics 2. This course will cover such topics as logistic regression, advanced data cleaning procedures, advanced non-parametric methods, measurement tool reliability and development of data visualizations.
Prerequisites: HS 722 & HS 732
HS 751Case Series Single Subject Design3
This course will seek an in-depth exploration and practice regarding the mechanics, design and construction of case series and single subject research designs in a healthcare environment. Students will develop and submit a single subject/case series research design related to individual dissertation topics or to relevant clinical questions.
Prerequisite: HS 712
HS 770Research Practicum1-3
Faculty-directed clinical, basic, or applied research practicum, which may include but not limited to review of literature preparation, human subjects committee proposal development, data collection, and presentation/manuscript preparation. Graded Pass/Fail.
OS 740Advanced Orthopedic Evaluation & Differential Diagnosis^3
This course is an advanced evidence-based diagnosis and screening course designed to facilitate highly effective clinical evaluation and accurate diagnostic decisions in orthopedic care. Advanced concepts of probability-based differential diagnosis and clinical reasoning strategies related to orthopedic practice will be presented. Current evidence of evaluation techniques and diagnostic tests for common orthopedic conditions will be explored and critically appraised. Pathology of the major body systems and regions will be described with current evidence-based practice diagnostic and screening standards.
OS 742Advanced Practice in Biomedical Testing & Technology^3
This course will focus on exploring the ever-growing number of biomedical tests, tools, and technologies marketed for utilization along the continuum of orthopedic practice. The psychometric properties, appropriateness, and clinical utility, including validity, reliability, responsiveness, sensitivity and specificity of tools, tests, and technologies will be explored. Current evidence-based testing and technology recommendations and their application to various patient populations and orthopedic settings will be presented. Students will engage in a variety of independent and collaborative learning activities to critically appraise the evidence for the use of tools, tests and technologies for enhanced decision making in orthopedic clinical care. Students will gain knowledge, skills and abilities in the utilization and implementation of select novel specialized biomedical technologies in orthopedics to include markerless 3-Dimensional motion capture.
OS 744Orthopedic Surgical Considerations & Therapeutic Interventions^3
This course takes a learner-centered approach to enhance knowledge, skills, and abilities related to orthopedic surgical patient care. In this course, students develop advanced skills in the critical appraisal and the application of orthopedic surgical research findings. Current evidence-based surgical techniques and their implications on tissue healing, pre-and post-surgical rehabilitation, return to daily living/activity timelines and short and long-term patient outcomes will be presented. Students will engage in various independent and collaborative learning activities to critically appraise the evidence for surgical patient management from direct-access indications for imaging referral to pre-operative therapeutic care and discharge. Students will bring it all together by choosing a common surgical procedure and developing an up-to-date, evidence-based post-surgical rehabilitation protocol.
RS 600Connective Tissues & Healing3
This course provides an overview of connective tissue injury including degenerative processes, healing, and rehabilitation implications. Understanding of the relationships among connective tissues such as bone, ligaments, cartilage, capsule, tendon and muscle on a micro and macro level will be emphasized. Sports injuries, issues of aging, and rehabilitation principles in special populations will also be included. These principles will be applied to treatment procedure choices in rehabilitation.
RS 611Advanced Therapeutic Interventions3
This course will expose students to cutting-edge topics in rehabilitation clinical practice to develop an integrative approach to selecting appropriate evidence-based therapeutic interventions. Emphasis will be placed on the therapeutic management of mild traumatic brain injury, cardiac conditions, and orthopedic injury. Students will analyze current research to examine evidence-based techniques, indications and contraindications, preventative measures, and operational protocols for interventions relative to progressing through healing and restoring normal function and a highly competitive state for physically active individuals. Treatment effectiveness, patient satisfaction, return to activity decision-making, and critical assessment of evidence concerning patient care will be emphasized.
RS 612Motor Control & Corrective Techniques3
This course focuses on examining and analyzing scientific principles related to the mechanical understanding of motor control and the human body in motion. Emphasis is placed on principles of motor control, mobility, stability, movement patterns, and neurodevelopmental progression for patients undergoing rehabilitation. The goal is to develop a sequential and progressive rehabilitation program based on current evidence centered on restoring movement through corrective techniques.
WE 610Population Health Issues3
WE 623Wellness Promotion & Programming3
This course provides the business and human rationale for wellness promotion, health education, and public health programs. Best practice for program design, implementation, and evaluation are examined as is the development and use of needs analyses, health risk assessments, and biometric measures to educate clients/patients and guide programming. Evidence based group and individual motivational strategies are included.
WE 630Nutrition & Exercise for Health & Wellness3
This course includes an overview of chronic diseases and associated risk factors. The effects of behaviors in the etiology and treatment of chronic diseases are examined. Emphasis is placed on the effects of modifying behaviors such as nutrition, physical activity, sleep, smoking, and alcohol use, as well as stress reduction. The role of exercise and diet in integrative lifestyle medicine is explored. Basic skills in exercise prescription and nutritional intervention strategies within the scope of practice are developed.
WE 700Theories of Behavior Change3
This course explores the principal theories of behavior that drive evidence-based practice in health/wellness education and coaching. Emphasis is placed on the determinants of group and individual behavior and behavioral economics in the context of health and wellness is included. Effective application of various theories to create education and/or interventions to alter behaviors of targeted groups or individuals is examined. Some synchronous sessions are required.
WE 710Theories & Application of Wellness Coaching3
This course explores health promotion and wellness, social determinants of health, health education, and public health programs. The theoretical basis and the evidence supporting health and wellness coaching will be discussed. Theories of behavior change and wellness coaching will be evaluated. Coaching strategies to be developed include motivational interviewing, appreciative inquiry, and positive psychology. Focus will be placed on developing one-on-one practical coaching skills while emphasizing ethical and legal practice considerations. Several synchronous sessions are required.
WE 711Advanced Wellness Coaching3
This course provides an opportunity to practice and develop the health/wellness coaching competency required for teaching and practicing coaching. Knowledge and skills developed in prerequisite courses are synthesized and expanded. Emphasis is placed on the application of coaching skills, and practice sessions with feedback are included. Also included is the business of health/wellness coaching including ethics and legalities. A practical skills exam and several synchronous sessions are required. Prerequisite: WE 710
WE 717Integrative Therapies in Health Promotion3
The use of complementary and alternative therapies in the context of health promotion will be explored in this course using an evidence-based approach. Topics introduced may include energy medicine (Reiki, Qi gong, healing touch), manipulative and body- based practices (massage therapy, reflexology, Rolfing, Trager bodywork, Alexander technique, Feldenkrais), or mind-body approaches (relaxation, hypnosis, visual imagery, meditation, yoga, biofeedback, tai chi, prayer). Class format includes lecture, small group work, and hands on activities.
^ Requires CTD Approval to take course