Registrar's Office

Resources for a successful academic career at Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions.

The Registrar’s Office promotes the mission of the University by providing support for the objectives of all academic programs. The department accomplishes this goal through a variety of administrative functions including overseeing student registration; monitoring student progress toward their degrees; and providing support and assistance to students, alumni, faculty, and staff. In addition, the Registrar’s Office serves as a resource to the university community, providing assistance on questions of university policy and process.
hands and a cap on a black background

Graduation & Commencement

What you need to know about Graduation & Commencement at RMU
a black and white icon with a cursor

Transcript Requests

What you need to know about requesting transcripts.
a mouse cursor pointing at a paper

Education Verification

Requests and resources for education verification.
a black and white grid with white squares

Curricula & Schedules

Important cohort dates you’ll want to know.

Academic Calendar

Handbooks & Catalogs

University Handbooks and cohort specific catalogs can be found here.


All Student Forms can be found here.

Student Record FAQ

Email the Registrar ( with the new information, If you need to change your email address, you will need to submit a new Authorization for Use of Electronic Signature form so that the University can email confidential information about your student record (e.g., final grades/unofficial transcripts, etc.) to your new email address.

Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions uses the National Student Clearinghouse to process transcript requests. The fee for each transcript is $7.50, plus the associated fees charged by the National Student Clearinghouse. Please go to this page for further information on transcript requests, or you may contact or 801.375.5125 x 3 with any questions.

Course FAQ

Email us at RMU,, or

For textbook information please visit the Learning Resource Center.

You should email the instructor directly for clarification. In general, it is expected that faculty would respond to correspondence from students within three business days of receipt. Please see the ‘Coursework and Exam Feedback’ section of the ‘Exams and Assignments’ category of the University Handbook.

As soon as you realize you will have difficulty meeting a deadline, you should contact the instructor to let him/her know of your situation and to request additional time. The faculty member has the discretion to grant or deny an extension request, with or without point deductions for the lateness.

If your lateness will prevent the instructor from submitting your final grade by the deadline for the semester (one week after the last day of the semester), you must request his/her approval for an Incomplete Contract. This form (which requires a $50 fee) would allow a maximum of one additional semester (the specific deadline must be negotiated with the instructor) to complete the coursework. Be sure to review the CONTRACT TERMS section of the contract carefully for guidelines about the Incomplete. The form may be sent via regular mail to the attention of the Registrar, or may be scanned/emailed to or faxed to the Registrar at 801.734.6825.

The number of exams in each program varies (even from one cohort to the next), as each faculty member decides whether exams are effective assessment methods for his/her course. At the beginning of each semester, students should review their syllabi right away to see what assignments and/or exams will be required throughout the course. Some faculty will automatically list exam timelines on the syllabus, while others prefer to leave deadlines “TBD” and negotiate the exam availability while on-site with the students. Most exams in the eDPT and MPAS programs will be taken in class under the supervision of the faculty. In limited residency programs, off-campus exams may be taken under the supervision of a ProctorU proctor, unless designated as take-home or non-proctored exams by the faculty member. Off-campus exams are typically offered over a window of 2-4 weeks so that each student may schedule a time that works best for him/her to take the exam. Most exams will be taken on the University’s learning management system (WebStudy), although some may be taken in hard copy format. In the case of proctored exams, a password to access the exam on WebStudy will be provided to ProctorU from the Registrar’s office along with the exam guidelines (time limit, open/closed book, etc.). The student will navigate to the exam online, then have the proctor enter the designated password to access the exam. Proctors will record the start/end time of the exam and will send a verification form to the Registrar’s office that all guidelines were followed.

Canvas Exams have review guidelines set by the individual faculty; many choose to allow students to review the graded exams (or at least know how many responses were incorrect) automatically after completing the exam. For questions on reviewing Canvas exams, please contact the respective faculty directly.

For exams taken outside of Canvas, please see the ‘Coursework and Exam Feedback’ section of the ‘Exams and Assignments’ category of the University Handbook.

Please see the ‘Appeal of Grades’ section of the ‘Academic Appeals Process’ category of the University Handbook.

For most programs, students are required to achieve a minimum of a B- grade, which equates to a numerical value of 80% for any individual course. Any grade below 80% is considered a failing grade. If a student receives a failing grade, he or she must repeat or remediate the course to continue in the program. The student must make the request to repeat or remediate the course to his or her GPD. Students in the DPT and MPAS programs should reference program-specific policies for their grading scale.

a. Remediation: Please refer to the ‘IP (In Progress)’ section under the ‘Course Grade Designations’ category of the University Handbook.

b. Repeating a Course: Please refer to the ‘R (Repeat of Course)’ section under the ‘Course Grade Designations’ category of the University Handbook.

Program FAQ

Please see the ‘Learning Disabilities/Physical Challenges’ section of the ‘Admissions Policies’ category of the University Handbook.

The first thing you should do is contact your PD(s) (or, in the DPT program, your Program Advisor) for guidance in your specific situation. Some options available to post-professional students that the PD(s) may discuss include the following:

  1. File Incompletes for one or more courses (see the CONTRACT TERMS section of the Incomplete form for the maximum number of Incompletes you may hold simultaneously in your program). You must contact each respective faculty member for his/her approval prior to filing the form, and forward the record of that approval to the Registrar. This form (which requires a $50 fee per contract/course) would allow a maximum of one additional semester (the specific deadline must be negotiated with the instructor) to complete the coursework. Be sure to review the CONTRACT TERMS section of the contract carefully for guidelines about the Incomplete. The form may be sent via regular mail to the attention of the Registrar, or may be scanned/emailed or faxed to the Registrar at 801.734.6825.
  2. Withdraw from one or more courses to take them at a later time. To do this, you will need to email your PD(s) with the request, copying the Registrar. Your PD(s) will guide you in determining whether you would continue with your current cohort or whether these withdrawals would necessitate moving to a future cohort of your program, which would be considered a Temporary Withdrawal (see Option #3 below). Depending on the date of your withdrawal, you will receive “W“ (does not impact the GPA) or “AW“ (Administrative Withdrawal, which impacts the GPA like a failing grade) grades in the courses from which you withdraw, and you will need to re-take them to complete the program. All or part of your tuition may be refunded per the terms and timelines outlined in your Enrollment Agreement.
  3. Take a temporary withdrawal from the program. To do this, you will need to submit the Withdrawal Form. The status of TW is only for two years. If you do not re-enroll within two years, your status will be changed to a university withdrawal (UW) and the policy for the UW status applies. Students in the TW status are responsible for attendance and completion of all courses in the curriculum, regardless of where they occur. The University Handbook provides additional information regarding this change in status. To re-enroll after a temporary withdrawal, you will need to submit the Re-entry Form 1-3 months (but no later than one month) before the requested re-entry semester start date as published on the Academic Calendar. Completing this form does not constitute confirmation that enrollment will be approved. 
Please refer to the ‘Satisfactory Academic Progress’ section of the University Handbook.
Please refer to the ‘Satisfactory Academic Progress’ section of the University Handbook.

Please click here.

Please see the Glossary of Terms.

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