Is this program completely online?
Can I enroll in this program if I already have an Master of Science in Nursing?
Do most of your students continue to work as a nurse during the program?
Do I have to attend the onsite visits?
When do clinicals start?
Will the program find my preceptors for me?
In our program, you are ultimately in charge of securing your own preceptors. This allows you to build your professional network and complete these hours within your own community. However, the nursing program provides a step-by-step process and strategies to assist you in finding clinical preceptors.
Technology Requirements
Will I need a new computer?
No, your computer does not need to be brand new – just reliable and with an operating system and specifications as listed above. If you intend to purchase a new computer, make sure you give yourself plenty of time to become familiar with it prior to beginning courses.
Do I have to have a laptop?
You are welcome to use a desktop computer at home. However, if you are in a program that includes onsite classes, you must have a laptop to bring with you.
What about a Chromebook?
Because software aside from apps available via an internet browser will be used, a Chromebook is not sufficient. Chromebook can be incompatible with some required software.
My brand new iPad will work fine, right?
Sorry, no. A hybrid/convertible laptop will be fine, but a tablet (including iPad) is not sufficient. Tablets can be incompatible with some required software.
I’ve never taken a course online. How can I prepare?
Our “Welcome to RMU!” student resource course includes specific information about multiple resources available to incoming students. In addition, at 6 weeks before the start of your program (PA students at 8-10 weeks), you will be enrolled in our required New Student Orientation course, “RMU101”. Participation in this course will give you practice with our systems and experience online.