Master of Science in Medical Speech-Language Pathology · MS MedSLP

Residential (First year-3 semesters), Hybrid (Second year-3 semesters) | Full-Time | 24 Months


Exposure to the fundamental knowledge and expertise of speech-language pathology builds the foundation of your practice. Explore topics like dysphagia, childhood language disorders, cognitive-communication disorders, and so much more as you become an authority on communication and swallowing disorders.

Develop your medical skills and perspective through advanced training. Learn an SLP’s role within medical settings through an integration of medical models, pharmacology, medical bioethics, and other factors. Assess and treat tracheostomy and ventilator-dependent patients, as well as others facing exceptional circumstances.

Core Courses




Examination of the central and peripheral nervous systems as they relate to normal and disordered human communication. Overview of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology, common neuropathologies relevant to communication disorders, and strategies in neurogenic problem solving.
Exploration of acquisition, assessment, and treatment of articulation and phonological disorders in children.
Principles and methods of prevention, diagnosis and intervention applicable to developmental language disorders. Includes consideration of both oral and written developmental language.
Roles and responsibilities of speech-language pathologists in medical settings with patients spanning the lifespan and a variety of diagnoses. Topics include medical models, assessment/intervention models in medical settings, medical bioethics, pharmacology, medical terminology, and documentation.
The role of central and peripheral motor systems in speech production and speech disorders related to abnormalities in these motor systems. Emphasis on the neurological bases, assessment, and clinical management of the dysarthrias and apraxia of speech across the lifespan.

This course explores neurogenic (acquired) language disorders with specific content focused on the aphasias as related to neurolinguistic aspects. We will target diagnosis and classifications of aphasias as well as intergenerational approaches.

Second in a sequence of dysphagia courses. Explores issues with feeding in pediatric caseloads, more work with instrumental intervention and treatment.
This course prepares students to work with patients who are tracheostomy and ventilator-dependent. We will explore speaking valves, different types of trachs and ventilator applications.
Study of the anatomic and physiologic systems involved in normal swallowing and swallowing disorders (dysphagia) in adults. Emphasis on the role of the speech- language pathologist in the areas of assessment and treatment of dysphagia and as a team member in the areas of dysphagia-related counseling, ethical and quality of life issues.
An investigation of acquired, cognitive-based language disorders including traumatic brain injury (including right brain injury), related cognitive communication sequelae, and dementia. Emphasis on assessment and treatment of cognitive communication disorders.
Examination of the physiology acoustics, and perception of voice quality and speech resonance, as well as the etiologies, diagnosis, and management of voice and resonance disorders.
Examination of the diagnosis and assessment related to fluency across the lifespan. Procedures specific to the differential assessment of fluency are examined, evaluated and related to therapeutic strategies and the methods of behavior change.
Introduction to alternative and augmentative communication systems for consumers. Discussions include the use of aided and unaided communication systems, assessment procedures and intervention, including education and team approaches.
This course will continue to expand content from Medical Speech-Language Pathology I & II, and will include topics such as telepractice, advanced medical syndromes, and gerontology.
Counseling theory, process, and application to individuals who present a variety of communication disorders and to the families of these individuals, with an emphasis on the discipline of speech-language pathology.




This course will allow students to obtain hands on experience with clinical test materials. In this semester students will focus on developing proficiency with Articulation and speech sound testing and interpretation as well as language testing. Students will acquire proficiency with at least 10 different standardized test administrations, and will complete training in utilizing Language Sample analysis with the Systematic Analysis of Language (SALT) program. In addition, this lab will include development of skill proficiency in administrating the Cranial Nerve and Oral Mechanism evaluation.
This course will allow students to obtain hands on experience with Instrumental testing materials and technology. Students will develop proficiency with both the technical components of the instruments and with the application of the technology to administer evaluations.
This course will help the student develop competency of current instrumentation techniques used to evaluate voice and swallowing. The student’s procedural competency will be developed and validates with rigid and flexible endoscopy and fees. This lab will allow the student to acquire multiple opportunities to pass the rigid and flexible endoscopes on both the manikin and on live patients.




Introduction to professional communication and mechanics of being a clinician. Examination of the role of the speech-language pathologist as a therapist, with an emphasis on diagnostic evaluation, differential diagnosis, and intervention. Includes measurement concepts and clinical problem-solving theory and methods.
An examination and exploration of the topics of diversity and professional ethics as they involve clinical speech-language pathology.
An examination and exploration of the topics of professional issues, regulations and law as they involve clinical speech-language pathology.
An examination and exploration of clinical documentation and reporting, as well as business organization/planning as they involve clinical speech-language pathology.
Topics will focus on advanced clinical topics, EPB, supervising assistants.
Class topics will focus on transitioning from student to professional and preparing the student for their Clinical Fellowship Year.




An overview of what constitutes clinical research. The class instructs students in how to understand the strengths and weakness of various research methods. An overview of research ethics, and application of research results to clinical practice.
Review of basic research issues and concepts in order to prepare to be a consumer of research literature and to prepare the student for their project. Includes various research types and designs, validity, quantitative and qualitative data analysis and clinical applications of research.
As students advance into their topic, they will begin the outlining and writing process with possible preparation for data collection. This seminar will guide them through this phase of their capstone, which is a scholarly project with topics that may involve prevention, assessment, literature review, case presentation or intervention involving the scope of practice for speech-language pathologists.

This seminar will facilitate the data collection with an eye on analysis for the student’s capstone project. The student will continue to plan, write and target clinical and empirical aspects of research and will re-visit ethics, and evidence-based practice concepts.

This seminar will advance the student’s data collection phase and begin to target data analysis for their capstone project. The student will develop their written deliverable project in preparation for the final stage of the capstone.

Advanced Seminar Elective Courses (4 credits required)




An exploration into the latest research and evidence based practices in autism. Topics include medical care for individuals with autism, family dynamics and lifespan issues.
Achieve a level of competency in the knowledge and understanding of the varied disorders associated with advanced language skills from a functional perspective. Content will include the characteristics of disorders observed, pragmatics, literacy—reading & written language, social language, self-advocacy, emotional literacy, as well as interventions and strategies to support individuals presenting disorders in the above noted areas.
Explores the latest technology related to hearing loss including Cochlear implants, hybrid hearing aids and cochlear implants, short electrode implants as well as programmable hearing aids.The newest journal articles will be used to read and update students on the most current and evidence based practices.
This course teaches the learner how to complete Routines Based interviews (RBI), reviewing the need for family assessment, and how RBI fits this need.Students will be expected to observe and take notes, but not participate in the discussion with the family. It is critical that the family participant feels safe in the conversation with the RBI administrator. Students will practice goal writing and learn what an ECO Map entails.
An investigation of cleft lip and/or palate and related anomalies that influence communication, with an emphasis on assessment and intervention of the communication disorders related to these impairments.

Nature, etiologies, and principles of evaluation and treatment of common disorders associated with pediatric dysphagia in the acute care setting. Emphasis on the role of the medical speech-language pathologist in the areas of assessment and treatment of dysphagia in individuals with a wide variety of complex medical diagnosis as a team member, and consider ethical and quality of life issues.

This course will explore different aspects of cognitive disorders stemming from neurologic insult such as blast injury; neoplasms, chronic tbi, or multiple concussion syndromes. Topics may also incorporate working memory, executive functioning and attention. readings will include the latest publications in the area of diagnostics and treatment
Focus on the speech, voice and swallowing disorders associated with cancers of the head and neck, with a special emphasis on laryngectomy. Includes discussion of team engagement, consumer education, intervention and treatment.
This course will target advanced instrumental techniques for assessment. Students will obtain additional experience with FEES and MBSS interpretation and skill development. Utilization of diagnostic information to plan therapeutic interventions will be emphasized and developed.
This one hour seminar will take a deep dive into advance topics dealing with assertive technology and Augmentative and Alternative Communication including service delivery that includes recognizing ethical dilemmas that can arise when delivering AT services, identifying legislation that shapes services provided to adults and children and identifying AT funding sources. The latest publications and evidenced-based practice will be utilized in order to provide the most current updates in this topic area.

Practicum Courses (6 courses, 15 credits/375 clinical hours required)

Prepare for independent practice in many different clinical settings as you complete a mix of clinical internships and externships. Under the supervision of preceptors, practice the clinical process. Assess, treat, and counsel patients as you learn to document your procedures. Observe speech-language pathologists within a clinical environment, and practice your own skills as you practice your clinical approach as an SLP.




Examination of the diagnostic, treatment and documentation procedures in speech- language pathology occurring through active observation in the clinical environment and classroom instruction. Active, supervised participation in the clinical process with emphasis on individualized assessment, treatment, counseling and documentation procedures.

Examination of the diagnostic, treatment and documentation procedures in speech-language pathology occurring through active observation in the clinical environment and classroom instruction. Active, supervised participation in the clinical process with emphasis on individualized assessment, treatment, counseling and documentation procedures.

Examination of the diagnostic, treatment and documentation procedures in speech-language pathology occurring through active observation in the clinical environment and classroom instruction. Active, supervised participation in the clinical process with emphasis on individualized assessment, treatment, counseling and documentation procedures.

Examination of the diagnostic, treatment and documentation procedures in speech-language pathology occurring through active observation in the clinical environment and classroom instruction. Active, supervised participation in the clinical process with emphasis on individualized assessment, treatment, counseling and documentation procedures.

Examination of the diagnostic, treatment and documentation procedures in speech-language pathology occurring through active observation in the clinical environment and classroom instruction. Active, supervised participation in the clinical process with emphasis on individualized assessment, treatment, counseling and documentation procedures.

Offsite clinical practicum experience, completed under the supervision of community-based, qualified and certified speech-language pathologists. Emphasis on the evaluation and treatment of disorders related to speech, language, cognitive- communication disorders, and swallowing.

Program Accreditation

The Master of Science program in Speech-Language Pathology (MS-SLP) residential education program in speech-language pathology, at Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions, is accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2200 Research Boulevard, #310, Rockville, MD 20850, 800-498-2071 or 301-296-5700

The MS MedSLP program to hold a public meeting for accreditation site visit on May 15, 2024 at 5 p.m. For full details for attending and providing public comment, please download the 2024 Public Meeting Notice.