How often will I be expected to visit campus?
How will online instruction be administered?
Will I have to relocate for this program?
We’ll reiterate you do not have to relocate to enroll in and complete this program. The large majority of the instruction takes place online. This is still a full-time program, so you’ll need to be committed and available to come on campus when required (2 times a semester during semesters 1-4 & 7). However, these visits are predetermined and spaced between extended periods of synchronous and asynchronous online instruction.
How long is the program?
How many clinical rotation weeks do you offer? How are clinicals rotations set up?
When does your application cycle open? When does it close?
Are you rolling admissions? What does that mean?
Do you have a supplemental application?
As well as your OTCAS application, we ask students to submit an essay (1500 word minimum) that includes a personal statement and strategies for handling our limited-residency model. Students must also complete an:
-Interview: Prerecorded (predetermined questions) video interview/response
-Visual, Aural, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic (VARK) inventory-style questionnaire
Is the GRE required to apply?
No, the GRE is not required to apply. However, it is an option to submit your scores. Should you wish to submit them here are the requirements:
-Minimum Verbal and Quantitative reasoning score: 35%
-Minimum Analytical writing scaled score: 3.0
-Must be taken within five years of application
The highest combination of scores for each section of the GRE will be accepted if the test is taken multiple times. Rocky Mountain University’s school code for submission is 0377.
Are there limitations to how many in-state or out-of-state students you accept?
Can I take the prerequisites online or at a community college?
Can I have prerequisite classes pending or in progress when I submit the application? When do these need to be completed?
What test do I take at the end to get my OT license? Does the program help me prepare for that test?
What is the difference between an OTD program and a PhD Program?
Are there scholarships or financial aid available?
What is the recommendation for employment during the program?
Technology Requirements FAQ
Will I need a new computer?
No, your computer does not need to be brand new – just reliable and with an operating system and specifications as listed above. If you intend to purchase a new computer, make sure you give yourself plenty of time to become familiar with it prior to beginning courses.
Do I have to have a laptop?
You are welcome to use a desktop computer at home. However, if you are in a program that includes onsite classes, you must have a laptop to bring with you.
What about a Chromebook?
Because software aside from apps available via an internet browser will be used, a Chromebook is not sufficient. Chromebook can be incompatible with some required software.
My brand new iPad will work fine, right?
Sorry, no. A hybrid/convertible laptop will be fine, but a tablet (including iPad) is not sufficient. Tablets can be incompatible with some required software.
I’ve never taken a course online. How can I prepare?
Our “Welcome to RMU!” student resource course includes specific information about multiple resources available to incoming students. In addition, at 6 weeks before the start of your program (PA students at 8-10 weeks), you will be enrolled in our required New Student Orientation course, “RMU101”. Participation in this course will give you practice with our systems and experience online.
What will I need to participate in courses online?
Fieldwork FAQ
Who does a fieldwork educator talk to about making arrangements to take a student?
Please get in touch with Dr. Ronald Honey at ronald.honey@rm.edu to discuss making arrangements to accept a level II fieldwork student.
How many hours are required for level I and level II fieldwork?
Our level I fieldwork experiences (OT 719, 729, 739) requires students to participate in a minimum of 40 hours for each fieldwork experience.
Level II fieldwork experiences are full-time, as defined by the clinical site, for 12 weeks, in accordance with Accreditation Council of Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) standards.
When do students complete level I fieldwork during RMU’s academic program?
When do students complete level II fieldwork during RMU’s academic program?
What are the requirements for fieldwork?
Where can a student perform level II fieldwork?
What is RMU’s attendance policy for fieldwork?
Does the fieldwork educator need to be on-site all of the time and/or every day?
The new ACOTE Standard C.1.16 states that “supervision should be direct, then decrease to less direct supervision as is appropriate for the setting, the severity of client’s condition, and the ability of the students.” Supervision should also be consistent with state licensure regulations, reimbursement guidelines such as Medicare and Medicaid, and facility policy. Unless specified by reimbursement guidelines or other regulatory requirements, supervision need not always be “line of sight.” Telephones, mobile phones, or other communications technologies may supplement on-site supervision.
Remember that other professionals can participate in student supervision, but the primary supervisor must be an occupational therapist. The ACOTE Standards permit Level II fieldwork to be in a setting where there is no OT employed by the facility. In such cases, the program must document there is a plan for the provision of supervision by an OT.
On-site supervision must be provided in accordance with the plan and state credentialing requirements, and the student must receive a minimum of eight hours of OT supervision per week, including direct observation of client interaction. Additionally, the OT fieldwork educator must be readily available for communication and consultation during work hours.
Please explore the following resources for more information on student supervision guidelines:
What happens if the fieldwork educator or student becomes ill or if the fieldwork educator goes on vacation during part of the fieldwork experience?
During what time of year does RMU place students for level I & level II fieldwork?
Level I Fieldwork Education Experiences
Level I A Pediatric -April 22-26, 2024 (1 week)
Level I B Psychosocial- August 19-23, 2024 (1 week)
Level I C Adult or geriatric neurological/physical- December 16-20, 2024 (1 week)
Level II Fieldwork Education Experiences
Level II Fieldwork A- January 6- April 25, 2025 (12 weeks)
Level II Fieldwork B – May 5- August 22, 2025 (12 weeks)
Can a fieldwork educator earn continuing education credit for taking a level II fieldwork student?
Is it possible to provide split supervision with another occupational therapist during level II fieldwork?
How much experience does an OT practitioner need to have in order to supervise a level II fieldwork student?
What should a fieldwork site do if they think a student is at risk of failing fieldwork?
How many times can a student fail level II fieldwork?
All OTD courses can be repeated one time as a part of the program’s remediation policy.
Does the academic program have to tell the fieldwork setting that the student has a disability?
The academic program is not permitted to inform the fieldwork site of a student’s disability without the student’s permission. It is the student’s decision whether or not to disclose a disability. The academic fieldwork coordinator (AFWC) will counsel students on the pros and cons of sharing this type of information prior to beginning fieldwork. If a student decides not to disclose, the AFWC is legally not allowed to share that information with the fieldwork setting in accordance with Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) laws.
A fieldwork setting cannot refuse to place a student with a disability unless that student is unable to perform the essential job functions with or without reasonable accommodations. To refuse placement solely on the student’s disability is discriminatory and illegal.
Can a student complete one of their level II fieldwork experiences internationally?
Can a student job shadow at a site where they would like to complete fieldwork prior to committing to the site for level II fieldwork?
What is a passing grade for level II fieldwork?
How are fieldwork sites designated to students?
Each student is asked to review the list of Fieldwork (FW) education sites in the online fieldwork management system. Each student turns in their ranked top three site/location preferences for each FW experience. The AFWC leans heavily on considerations for the best fit for student/site/fieldwork educator (FWE) and educational learning needs. When several students request the same site, final decisions are made by the AFWC. Multiple meetings between the student and the AFWC may occur to find the best match for each student in their FW education sites. No FW education site is guaranteed to an OTD student.
What if I have an emergency and am absent during my level II fieldwork?
Doctoral Capstone FAQ
Who does a prospective capstone site or supervisor talk to about making arrangements to take a student?
Please get in touch with Dr. Sarah Mbiza at sarah.mbiza@rm.edu to discuss making arrangements to accept a doctoral capstone student.