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Doctor of Occupational Therapy (Post-Professional) · pOTD

Online | 8 Tracks | 16 Months


Regardless of the track you choose, you’ll be able to complete this program in four semesters, a total of 16 months.

Intensive learning days are a great time for the students to apply what they’ve been learning in real-time. In a fully online format, you’ll meet with your peers and professors to get extra opportunities to apply your skills. Usually scheduled Thursday-Sunday to accommodate work schedules, you’ll work from morning to close of business with regular breaks in between.

Yes, our fully online pOTD program allows the flexibility for students to complete all their coursework from their homebase without traveling to our campus.
No, you do not have to take the GRE.
Of course! Our program is accessible to both bachelor’s and master’s-prepared OTs, and the length of the program is the same for both.
We offer two cohorts per year. One that starts in the summer semester (May), and another that begins during the fall semester (August).
Yes! This program is designed to fit within the schedule of a full-time professional OT. Students report spending roughly 15-20 hours per week on their coursework.
We can connect you with resources at the university to see what options for scholarships and financial aid you specifically are eligible for. Schedule a call with our pOTD advisor by engaging with the Chatbot on this page and he can connect you with potential resources.