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Doctor of Occupational Therapy (Post-Professional) · pOTD

Online | 8 Tracks | 16 Months


An Application Must Possess:

  • Online Application
  • The statement of professional goals, on the application, should include current intellectual and professional interests and personal motivations as to why the student is applying to the degree program
  • Resume/CV. Including detailed employment history, career history, extracurricular activities, etc.
  • Names and contact information of two references
    • Those providing a reference on your behalf will ideally be a former or current supervisor or professional colleague who is able to comment on your ability to apply evidence-based practice and succeed in a doctoral program
    • References will be emailed a link to complete the letter of recommendation form
  • Copy of current United States healthcare license or certification in the appropriate area of practice

Application Process

Step 1: Complete online application through our applicant portal

  1. You will attach your resume, statement of professional goals essay, valid identification, and healthcare license (if applicable) when you submit your application.
  2. For programs that require letters of recommendation, there is a section within the application where you will enter your reference’s email addresses. Once your application is submitted, an email will be sent to these references with a link for them to submit our internal letter of recommendation form on your behalf.
  3. Finally, you will need to request official copies of your transcripts from your previous institutions to complete your application.
  4. Once submitted, you can check your applicant portal at any time to see the current status of your application, or check on the remaining items needed to complete your application. You are welcome to call the Admissions office directly with any questions about your application, or the process, at any time!

Step 2: Once your application is complete, your completed application will be sent to the program specific Admissions Selection Committee for review.

You will receive an email update, letting you know your application is complete and has been sent to the program for review. *The review process can take 1-2 weeks on average.

Step 3: After review of your application, and an interview if applicable, the program will notify the Admissions office regarding their admission decision for your application.

  1. You will receive an email notifying you of the admission decision from the Admissions office. If accepted, an acceptance email and letter will be sent.
  2. If accepted, this email will contain an acceptance letter notifying you of your acceptance as well as an enrollment deadline date to confirm your enrollment. The deadline to confirm enrollment can vary.
  3. A separate email will be sent containing a link to sign the enrollment agreement form to confirm your enrollment. You will also need to submit an enrollment deposit after the completion of this form.

Step 4: Once the enrollment form and deposit have been submitted, an Admissions coordinator will add these documents to your file and update our systems (which updates other departments) to show that you’ve enrolled.

  1. You will then receive an enrollment confirmation email that will confirm receipt of your forms and deposit. This important email will also contain an Enrollment Checklist, which will outline everything you need to know regarding next steps in becoming an RMU student. 
  2. You will also receive emails from various departments introducing themselves and offering any help as needed.